Test-OutlookWebServices [EXPR] ID 1013 and 1016
Hello I'm stuck on this one and its the only error I can clear up and I'm pretty sure its related to ISA 2006 being involved. Nice thing is I have two networks that are in production and the one network is not getting these errors because there isnt an ISA since its a closed network, but the public network we have to use ISA and its recieving these errors related to the EWS directory. It was recieving errors related to UnifiedMessaging directory, but I corrected that by adding the Paths in ISA for the EWS and UnifiedMessaging, but the EWS is still kicking errors. EXCH internally is good but EXPR external going through the ISA isnt.Any suggestions would be great everything matches and lines up on both network and being the EXCH is working tells me the permissions are right or else it would fail, but the EXPR has to be something with ISA since its using the public url.I have ISA 2006 on Server 20031 AD Site1 dedicated CAS SP1 RU9on Server 2008 SP21dedicatedHT SP1 RU9on Server 2008 SP21 dedicatedMB SP1 RU9on Server 2008 SP2Id : 1016Type : SuccessMessage : [EXCH]-Successfully contacted the AS service at https://server01.fqdn.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The elapsed time was 609 milliseconds.
Id : 1015Type : SuccessMessage : [EXCH]-Successfully contacted the OAB service at https://server01.fqdn.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The elapsed time was 0 milliseconds.Id : 1013Type : ErrorMessage : When contacting https://owa.fqdn.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx received the error The request failed with an empty response.
Id : 1016Type : ErrorMessage : [EXPR]-Error when contacting the AS service at https://owa.fqdn.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The elapsed time was 46 milliseconds.
Id : 1021Type : InformationMessage : The following web services generated errors. As in EXPR Please use the prior output to diagnose and correct the errors.
July 26th, 2009 6:04pm
I changed the EWS URL on the cas server to use the same interal URL and it was SUCCESSFUL, I'm not sure whats going on because I checked the ISA server and i has the /EWS/* directory and the testing the rule its succesful. I compared permission to the RPC and Unified Messaging IIS folders and its the same, plus if there was a problem ISA would had stated that the permissions were incorrected on the CAS server.So at this point I know that its something to do with ISA just not sure what, Outlook Anywhere isnt working which I'm assuming this is part of that issue, guess I'll start turning on some logging and try to narrow down what the issue is exactly.
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July 26th, 2009 8:41pm
Can you test using this url ans post the error....https://www.testexchangeconnectivity.com/
July 26th, 2009 8:48pm
TRY this link if you autodiscover URL is not working...http://exchangeexchange.com/forums/t/551.aspxhttp://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrclients/thread/36c1a44e-a111-41b3-bff7-d1ee918cf0bbYpu need to confiqure URI for autodiscover properly....
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July 26th, 2009 9:01pm
Please try to check IIS permission on CAS as per Xiuhttp://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvradmin/thread/3008c1aa-7eed-46b0-9b72-e850682772a7
July 26th, 2009 9:05pm
Check info:
1. Please ensure that OWA.FQDN.com exists in the DNS and is able to contact
2. Please use Get-ExchangeCertificate to ensure if the OWA.FQDN.com exists in the CertificateDomain parameter
3. Please post the output of Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cmdlet for analyzing
4. Please follow Mikes post in this thread to test E-mail AutoConfiguration, see if theres any further error info
5. Please the link from Abuthaheers last post to troubleshoot the issue
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July 27th, 2009 9:35am
Ok here is any update, most of that I have checked and already went over and the connectivity is only kicking basic known errors for our network such as http 80 because were using ISA and only allow HTTPS, and our certificate is issued by DoD so it is not in IE trust root by default.I forgot to add one a few things I had to move the two cas servers to another site and this issue started after they were moved, I had a feeling its related to Outlook Anywhere so I disabled it and the error no longer exsist. I also noticed another thing for some reason internal clients were using Outlook Anywhere when the Autodiscover service setup their account, now that its Disabled they are not.I think I have to do some more reading on Outlook Anywhere, but Internal is it ok for domain machines to be defaulting to Outlook Anywhere or am I missing something?Thanks for your replies, I know I didnt post up most of what you guys asked, but I forgot to mention I had done a lot of that, I'm going to let this replicate now that I disabled Outlook Anywhere then re-enable it and see how it acts.
July 27th, 2009 12:20pm
OK, please post at here if you get any update
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July 28th, 2009 5:17am